Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Very Odd


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Have you run out of old Beantown photos?

BeanTownBoy said...

I'm so sad! I have tons of slides that I've been going through, painstakingly looking for good shots with the idea I would have them converted to digital. Hundreds and hundreds of prints are missing ... my ex-wife had them, and she's convinced she gave them to me, but she didn't. I've asked her to look again in her storage bins, but she's been sick (cancer) and hasn't been able to make the effort as yet.

I enjoyed posting this blog more than anything, you know!

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

I know exactly how you feel. All of my old family/childhood photos are gone, all of them lost... :(

BeanTownBoy said...

That's a shame!! My mother 'burned' tons of photos just in the past few years!! I couldn't believe it! I asked her why, all she can say is she's sorry!

I spoke to my ex-wife today, coincidentally with this conversation, and she said she does have tons of pics, but can't go through them herself. If I can go down to where she lives, I can get them!! She lives a few hundred miles from me ...